понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


Monday through Friday, Viewing and Analyzing Results Avalanche provides a variety of tools that you can use to analyze test results. You do not need to add another appliance. Enter the IP address of the Avalanche client appliance and click Add. The trial run function trials the test by running once through the client Action list. spirent avalanche commander

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The Client and Server statistical windows appear, displaying real-time text and graphical data for the test in progress. As more and more network traffic becomes encrypted the need for higher capacity SSL testing is now more apparent than ever.

Select the project created in steps 1 and 2, and then click Next. The New Project window appears. You do not need to add another appliance. Creating a New Project and Test Avalanche uses projects to help organize the different tests you create. Monitor the performance of your test while it runs by clicking commanfer Client Stats and Server Stats buttons.

Refer to the installation guide that comes with your appliance for more information on the hardware setup. For each test, you can get information and export it to another file, such as a spreadsheet application, or you can analyze the information with the Layer 4 - 7 Results Analyzer.

Refer to the online Help for more information. Send a copy to my email.

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This form requires a Javascript enabled browser. The New Test… Step 3 of 4 window appears.

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In recent customer trials Avalanche Commander with the SSL accelerator provided real-world mixed traffic tests not available with other solutions. The New Test window appears. At any time, you can convert a Quick test to an Advanced test for maximum flexibility. User can now test native SMTP email messages over commabder connections.

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The Monitor tab displays the stages of the test as they occur and indicates the status of the test transactions. For all other fields mentioned in this guide, use the default values. Note License validation occurs when you run the test. Note The Use Gateway checkbox and the Gateway IP Address fields are used only when the Avalanche client connects to a test network on a different subnet through a router. The Protocols pane identifies the protocols and port numbers that you want sppirent test.

If no license file is installed, or a required feature is not licensed, an option displays to run in trial mode provides access to all features, but limits your test duration to seconds.


You can also perform full test runs and monitor the real-time status of your tests. The New Test… Step 4 of 4 window appears. For more information on installing license files, refer to the Avalanche Commander online Help.

Once added, a new row for the appliance is appended to the list in the Appliance Administration window.

Test stages, transactions, and time information is updated on the Monitor tab as the test progresses. The latest release of the CS3 provides a versatile multi speed capable solution for layer Higher Speed Ethernet testing.

This ensures PlexNet is more than able to meet the needs of its current and prospective clients. SSL Acceleration As more and more network traffic becomes encrypted the need for higher capacity SSL testing is now more apparent than ever. In the Individual Load Generator Statistics section, a results directory tree contains folders with individual client and server load generator statistics.

Plex InSights

Note This guide uses a Quick test to help new users become familiar with Avalanche Commander. As Avalanche adds new simulated users during a test, each simulated user executes the actions list sequentially from top to bottom. Quick Start Demo Kit.

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